Copper Fungicides

Copper Oxychloride

 Let growers protect their crops with best-in-class Copper Oxychloride.

Copper Oxychloride - Technical

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP
Copper Oxychloride 85% WP

Copper Oxychloride 35% WP
Copper Oxychloride 58% WP

Copper Oxychloride 50% WP (Blue)
Copper Oxychloride 85% WP (Blue)

Copper Oxychloride 35% WP (Blue)
Copper Oxychloride 58% WP (Blue)

Copper Oxychloride 56% OP

Copper Hydroxide

 Leverage this mineral to manufacture top-quality insecticides and pesticides.

Copper Hydroxide - Technical

Copper Hydroxide 50% WP
Copper Hydroxide 77% WP

Cuprous Oxide

Manufacture technical grade fungicides with Cuprous Oxide

Cuprous Oxide Technical

Cuprous Oxide 50% WP

Cuprous Oxide 75% WP

Tribasic Copper Sulphate

Buy the most active form of copper at a competitive price.

Tribasic Copper Sulphate

Bordeaux Mixture

Get our ready-made Bordeaux Mixture to develop quality fungicides and bactericides. 

Bordeaux Mixture - Technical

Bordeaux Mixture 20% WP

Bordeaux Mixture 20% WP (Blue)

Copper Sulphate Pentahydrate - Technical

Buy the best range of copper sulphate with adequate and timely delivery.

Stone Crystal

Sugarfine Crystal

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